
Tuesday, 28 June 2016

partly couldy

Partly Cloudy

Carefully the birds glided through the sky and dropped the bags. Watching the babies quietly walk inside there house’s. Flash dash! Carefully they picked up the babies from the friendly cloud’s. Sadly the grey cloud can't live with the pink cloud’s. The grey cloud made a baby crocodile. A bird came to pick up the baby crocodile but when he was going to grab it and it attacked him.
The next day he came back and slowly inched back from the cloud a little bit. A goat hit him in the stomach. The bird came back for another baby, it was a hedgehog and it poked him with the spikes.The bird came back again and he was terrified of what was coming next. He saw a pink cloud with cute baby puppies jumping around, so he flew to that cloud. The grey cloud was sad and started to cry. Then the bird came back with the bag and opened it. It was safety gear and he smiled.The bird asked for a baby and the baby was an electric eel that electrocuted him. But the bird smiled at him and the grey cloud was happy.

Monday, 27 June 2016

Basic facts goal

Basic facts goal

I am good at groupings with 10.
I need to work on groupings within 10&20, Doubles/Halves to 20, tens that add to 100, Addition facts to 10 and subtraction facts to 10.
I am working on stage 4.
I need to be working on stage 5.