Earth Dragon
When the world was young on the planet Earth there was a rugged landscape with many huge mountains and dusty deserts. The mountains were all bulgy, shaky, rumbly and grumbly. It was as hot as an oven.In a dark, hot place lived a fierce and greedy dragon called the Earth dragon. He was powerful, spiky and red and orange. He had claws sharper than a needle, a narrow face and he dug tunnels under the Earth. He lived in the Earth's crust and ate all the smoking hot rocks and soil.
One day he got so greedy he ended up with an enormous tummy ache. He started moaning, groaning, whining, farting, burping and rolling all around. He was breathing and farting out smoke in all directions. All of sudden he did an enormous gigantic spew. Vomit spat out of the top of the mountain he was under like a fountain. It dribbled down the mountainside like red icing.
And that is why we still get volcanic eruptions. Because the dragon never stops being greedy and eating rocks and soil.
By Sky Byers
Term 1 2017